We are excited to have several new class options at KLKP 2024 this summer and we are most excited about our Kids programming which we are expanding and developing from our start in 2022!
Week ONE and TWO: Camp Activities courtesy of Kenosee Boys and Girls Camp leaders in collaboration with our Music instructors!
This is an exciting partnership between KLKP and our host facility and its director, Michael Paul. Not only will experienced camp counsellors be working with un-chaperoned participants and lending their expertise from years of running summer programming at the Kids’ camp, but they will also be creating “Summer fun” programming for all of the children on site. The Kenosee Boys and Girls Camp runs a variety of programming for children and families all summer long, so their enthusiasm, knowledge of the environs and sparkly-spirits will mesh well with the Family Camp atmosphere at KLKP.
Week ONE and TWO BRIDGE Program: Is your child newly 13 and still wants to come to KLKP? But you cannot come with them? We are developing a supervised bridge program for kids who are entering the regular KLKP, but still need supervision.
Dedicated staff/ volunteers will ensure your child is socially connected, happy in their classes, in bed at a reasonable hour and not getting up to non-musical mischief.
Week ONE and TWO Kids Camp: Music and Songwriting
Additionally, thanks to a SK Arts Board Grant, KLKP will offer dynamic and flexible programming, inspiring art and music drawn from the landscape itself. We also have Ted View and Brii LaPlante as Artist in residence for the KLKP program, as well as songwriting with L.J. Tyson! Our children’s program has enlarged capacity, and we are so excited about the possibilities.
Week ONE and TWO: Art as a Registered Class
While we’ve had artists around campus for many years, now participants can choose to register for art instead of a musical instrument. This will be treated the same as instrument classes, with direct and progressing instruction from a dedicated instructor. Your instructor will contact you prior to camp to chat about supplies, concepts and plans, so you’re prepared prior to arrival.
Week ONE: Special FIDDLE class with Patti and Alex: DANCE /Competition TUNES This class will be about learning the deep and old repertoire of tunes played for dances over the past 200 years. The really and truly neat tunes which are not in the common repertoire, but should be.
These will also be great competition tunes, as they are groovy and traditional.
Learn the groove that goes with playing for a dance and how to find it. This class will get lots of practise as they ramp out their learning tunes at the camp dance workshops, sit in with the dance band at night and play alongside the great and smooth sounds which characterize the Kusturok style.
NOTE: you must be able to learn by ear, play at tempo and be willing to crunch down on the practise time to optimize your time with Alex and Patti! And prepare to walk away with priceless tunes and techniques taught by traditional dance players.
Week ONE Raw Beginner Options: Clawhammer Banjo AND cello!
What a great opportunity! Have you always wanted to TRY but were not sure you were ready to commit to a full year’s lesson package? This is your chance to dip your fingers into these waters!
Rent an instrument from Long and McQuade ( or borrow from a friend). Both Daniel Koulack and Eli Bender are amazing teachers and will get you going in no time!
Week ONE and TWO Piano: This is a great chance to really dig into piano by ear/ accompaniment/ chording. Our province really needs more accompanists – so dig in and twinkle away!